samedi 15 mars 2014

Activity Name: Fortune Cookie

Publié par Unknown à 15:00

Activity Name:  Fortune Cookie
Grade Level: 5th
Fitness Area Addressed: Aerobic Capacity
PE GPS: PE 5.3.d  Identifies physical activities and personal choice behaviors that promote a health-enhancing lifestyle.

Equipment Needed: Step benches, balls, hoops, jump ropes
Safety Considerations: Watch for undue fatigue. 
Description:  Prior to the class write on individual pieces of paper a variety of endurance activities.  You should have at least two for every participant.  Each activity may be repeated as long as you have a variety.  Fold the pieces of paper up and place them in the center of the gym.  On signal, participants pick up one piece of paper, read the instruction and then perform the exercise.  Once the exercise in completed, they place the paper back in the center of the gym and take another.  The activity continues until the instructor decides terminate the activity.
Possible Activities:
1.                  Skip to every wall in the gym and touch it.
2.                Do two jumping jacks in each corner of the gym.
3.                Step up and down on a bench 20 times.
4.                Jog around the gym twice.
5.                 Jump rope 20 times.
6.                Touch 20 different lines in the gym with the left hand and right foot.
7.                 Do 30 jumping jacks.
8.                Roll a ball with the left hand from one end of the gym and back.
9.                Sprint and touch five people wearing the color red.
10.            Dribble a basketball from one end of the gym to the other.

*Adapted from Aerobics With Fun, Principles of Exercise Leadership, 1984

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