samedi 15 mars 2014

Activity Name: Body Spelling

Publié par Unknown à 15:02

Activity Name:  Body Spelling
Grade Level: K-5th
Fitness Area Addressed: Flexibility
PE GPS: PE K-5.3 Participates regularly in physical activity.
Equipment Needed: N/A
Safety Considerations: Remind students stretching should be done to the point of tension not pain.
1.      Have students stand in an open area of the gym.
2.    Call out a letter and have the students form that letter by shaping their bodies into the letter.  Letters that work well are: A, X, S, C, F, J, I, L, U, V, K, Z.  Encourage students to stretch long and hold the stretch for a count of eight. (Try counting in a different language.)
3.    Have students work with a partner to each form a different letter and then form a two-letter word.  Suggestions for two-letter words include: on, it, of, to, oh, so, hi, do, go, no, by, is, ox, an, at, in.
4.    In groups of three to four, have students form their bodies to spell a word: e.g., the name of an animal, a girl’s name or a boy’s name.
5.     As a variation, have the students walk around in the shape of the letter called.

*Adapted from TAHPERD Physical Activity Taskforce 2007

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